Takagi Yoshin Ryu is a very powerful system focused on joint manipulations and prevention of escape from techniques by other martial artists.
Mission; Locate, research, and redistribute information based on the art of Takagi Yoshin Ryu here for discussion so that we may confirm or deny information, and learn as much as possible. You can find things such as what weapons did they utilize, philosophies, it's origins, just stay open minded and begin looking.
Things to keep in mind;
1) Don't be afraid if you may have something wrong, something is better than nothing and we will do our best to confirm or discuss it so we may grow and learn from it. You also learn more when you do something wrong than if you do it right.
2) Don't just copy and paste, write it in your own words so that yo have the opportunity to digest what you read and so that the information is passed in a manner that we may relate to. You can still source and such, just use it as an opportunity to learn.
3) Have fun and don't stress out about it. The Field of Kusa is a place to grow and prosper with information. You can just begin typing, you're bound to get better at it as you begin exchanging information with people who are already good at it. Just try.
1 comment:
The founder of the Takagi Yoshin Ryu was Takagi Oriemon Shigenobu, a samurai from what i understand the northern part of japan. Takagis father was a casualty in a night ambush and Takagi used his fathers saying that "a willow ("yoboku") is strong and flexible, while a tall tree (takagi) will break” to heart using it in his training and trained hard. Eventually avenging his father’s murder. Lastly taking the name Yoshin Ryu Takagi Oriemon Shigenobu.The style has had many names throughout its history, like Jutaijutsu and Dakentaijutsu. When applied correctly, the techniques of Takagi Yoshin Ryu go farther than those of Judo & Aikido, and can make it impossible to roll or breakfall.The throws are intended to break the shoulder or neck.They say it was heavily influenced by Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu, and Kukishin Ryu, which i dont know much about.
Thats what i found.
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