Thursday, January 5, 2012

1st Mission!: Kusarigama (くさりがま)

The mission is as follows, I would like everyone to do a tad bit of research and tell some facts about the history and use of the weapon known as the Kusarigama. This should be interesting for the 1st Mission. I will also go on my own search and add some extra information here and there to get you guys sparked to add on. So, Gambate desu! (Do your best!)


CMN said...

Some of the Ryu-Ha that utilize the Kusarigama are Chokuyushin Ryu, Isshin-ryu, and Shintō Musō-ryū.

rlongo82 said...

According to some accounts, the kusarigama is a weapon that is well-suited against swords and spears. Records show that the kusarigama was extremely popular in feudal Japan, with many schools teaching it, from about the 12th to 17th century, including by Kōga-ryū.

A notable example of the use and misuse of the weapon is the story of the great 17th century kusarigama teacher Yamada Shinryukan. Shinryukan was known to have killed many swordsmen with his weapon, until he was lured into a bamboo grove by Araki Mataemon. There, because of the terrain he was unable to swing the chain and trap Mataemon's sword, and was thus killed.

Perhaps one of the most famous historical users of the kusarigama is Shishido Baiken. A swordsman of great skill, he was proficient with the kusarigama, but was killed by the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi when the latter used a throwing knife to cause a non-fatal injury from outside the radius of the chain, and then moved inforthe killing blow with his sword.

rlongo82 said...

The Kusari-gama is a single-edged blade mounted perpendicular to a wooden handle that could very in length, to which a chain of normally about 9 to 12 feet was attached. At the end of the chain would be an iron weight attached, normally weighing about the same as the entire chin it's self. Originally developed by farmers for obvious reasons, it latter became a standard fighting tool for the Samurai Ninja.

The Kusari-gama was a fearsome battlefield weapon because it could be used effectively against both foot soldiers as well as mounted warriors. It's use against mounted warriors later gave rise to the "Ogama" or Giant chain and sickle, which used an extra long and heavy chain. Although many warriors of it's time used the Kusari-gama it was nevertheless a specialist weapon and took a very long time to master, therefore never gaining the same popularity of say the sword, staff or spear. Even today in most schools teaching Koryu arts offering other traditional weapons like Sword, Jo, etc. Will not teach the Kusari-gama as common knowledge. Rather they may teach only as a "Masters" weapon after completion of the main focus or may teach as secondary information along with such arts hojo or tonjo.

I personally have only came across six or so Kamae and five or six Kihon-gata. There is more I am sure but, that is the extent of what I've seen.

More to come later when I have some more time.

CMN said...

The Kusarigama as mentioned earlier was a weapon designed to eliminate the threat such as a sword that an opponent had and to move in to attack with the sickle portion. The weight itself was also sufficient of being a weapon because it could be used to attack the Uke's hands, head, and even entrap the feet and render them defenseless.
Here are some techniques in a video that i found that represent the weapon well:
Kusarigama Techniques & Demo